1 ) About you:
Name: Martin
Age: 16 and a half =P
Gender: Male
What do you do: Working, go to school, go to the gym, practicing shuffle, and what all teenagers do xD
Previous MMOs experience: played wow for around 3 years now (:
Anything you might like to add:
2 ) About your character:
Character name: Maradunda
Level: 80
Class: Moonkin
3 ) Link to Armory profile and any reference to additional pieces of equipment/sets
4 ) How long have you been playing WoW for and previous raid experience.
Kara, gruul, maggy, za, ssc, 1-2 bosses in MH, and 1-5th boss in BT
5 ) Talent tree choice, explain why.
6 ) What are your usual playing hours/days?
around 3-4 hrs a day
7 ) Previous/current guilds and why have you left them.
Inner visions got disbaned, devastating solution i left it because they i was looking for a bigger and a raiding guild, Absólution, i got kicked, it's a long story.
8 ) Why do you want to leave your current guild? Why do you want to join this guild? And why should we recruit you, what are your end game goals?
i want to join this guild because i've heard nice stuff about it, an di've been told that you need Moonkins, and i'm moonkin =P. my end game goal is to get nice gear a mammoth =P and just have fun (:
9 ) Do you have a working mic? Are you able to use Ventrilo 3.0 or any version above?
10 ) Anything else you might like to add to your application.