Application form1 ) About you:Name: Andreas
Age: 20
Gender: Male
What do you do: Work up until thursday, then i'm unemployed... *cries*
Previous MMOs experience: Just wow, for 3,5yrs i think.
Anything you might like to add: Live in Sweden.
2 ) About your character: Character name: Gelder
Level: 80
Class: Rogue
Race: Undead
Server: Jaedenar
3 ) Link to Armory profile and any reference to additional pieces of equipment/sets ) How long have you been playing WoW for and previous raid experience.Been playing for 3,5 years now back and forth. I've cleared MC, BWL, AQ40 and got some tries at Maexxna(naxx40;p) in vanilla, SSC, TK, MH and up until Gurtogg in tbc, havn't raided anything in wotlk as of yet, hoping to change that by joining you guys :3.
5 ) Talent tree choice, explain why.51/13/7 aka Mutilate-pve. Best build for pve atm, fun to play aswell. Although is saw a parse from WWS with a retarded build using HoT in subtlety going 6kdps+ at Patchwork, but that's a very situational specc that only shines at those sort of fights were you're stationary. nuff
6 ) What are your usual playing hours/days? As of now it's late at night a couple of hours almost every day of the week since i work evenings at my current job, that will change as of thursday as i mentioned yearlier.
7 ) Previous/current guilds and why have you left them.Mentionable guild is guess would be as following; vanilla: Excidium; tbc: Midvinter, Exordium
I left Excidium because of lack of time to play i guess, was a while ago so i'm not certain :p. Midvinter i left for the same reason as Excidium. The reason i left Exordium was because of the overall inactivity during the summer.
8 ) Why do you want to leave your current guild? Why do you want to join this guild? And why should we recruit you, what are your end game goals?Havn't got a guild atm, was going to start at guild with a friend but it didn't work out as we hoped for, lack of players. I wasnt to join you because I know you guys, you're motivated and fun to play with. You know what you get, so to speak
You should recruit me becasue i'm really looking forward to raiding with you again and to see the content blizz has got in store for us.
9 ) Do you have a working mic? Are you able to use Ventrilo 3.0 or any version above?Sure do.
10 ) Anything else you might like to add to your application.I's Squtfury btw.