1 ) About you: I'm from Norway, going my last year at high school. I usually play wow at my sparetime, or I always play wow on my sparetime :p And im interested in both PvE and PvP, but atm I got a feeling that PvE is my way to go.
Name: Marius Lilleeidet
Age: 15
Gender: Male
What do you do: I play World of Warcraft
Previous MMOs experience: Warcraft 3 Battle net? :S
Anything you might like to add: I play a lot of WoW, way too much, but I guess that's good. I can join every raid (if u need me ofc) and im not afraid to give my opinon or talk on VT. I got a lvl 70 mage on Kul Tiras normal realm. Tope 70 warlock, Timetoheal 70 priest, Hatebringer 70 warrior on Sylvanas.
2 ) About your character: I got about 150days played in world of warcraft, not on my rogue only ofc, but over all, on all of my characters.
Character name: Dese
Level: 80
Class: Rogue
Race: Undead / Forsaken
Server: Sylvanas
3 ) Link to Armory profile and any reference to additional pieces of equipment/sets :
http://armory.wow-europe.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Sylvanas&n=Dese4 ) How long have you been playing WoW for and previous raid experience. Vanilla WoW = MC, AQ20, ZG, Onyxia. Burning Crusade = Gruuls lair, Karazhan, SSC, TK, even though I was mostly doing PvP on my warlock and lvling my rogue before wotlk. Wotlk = I've done Maexxna and Instructor Razuvious in PuGs.
5 ) Talent tree choice, explain why. 17/54/0 There's no explanation for this spec, I have not bothered respeccing any kinda spec since I don't know if you accept me into this guild, if you would, I would ofcourse respec to a PvE spec.
6 ) What are your usual playing hours/days? 14.10 - 01:30
7 ) Previous/current guilds and why have you left them. ÆÆßÆÆßÆÆßÆÆßÆÆßÆÆß :b Only because of pvping with friends and having fun chating with people.
8 ) Why do you want to leave your current guild? Why do you want to join this guild? And why should we recruit you, what are your end game goals? ÆÆßÆÆßÆÆßÆÆßÆÆßÆÆß is not a serious guild (imo). I want to join a more serious guild with goals. Call me geeky, but I do like the lore in world of warcraft, so seeing the wotlk content would fulfill my lore interests.
9 ) Do you have a working mic? Are you able to use Ventrilo 3.0 or any version above? Yes
10 ) Anything else you might like to add to your application.
I've been playing Blizzard games since I was 9, starting with Warcraft 3 Reign of Chaos, Warcraft 3 The Frozen Throne. World of Wacraft, The Burning Crusade. Wrath of the Lich king.
Edit: Also I farm about 1-2k gold each day, so it shouldnt be a problem to get pre raid gear (talking about crafts)