Name: even buind
Gender: male
What do you do:mostly play wow, part time school.
Previous MMOs experience:played with CD back in the old 60's. done almost whole nax 10 and some nax 25, watched spìxah played alot nax 10 and 25. know tacks.
Anything you might like to add: "one time i pied in a bottle, just to keep raiding"
Character name: zekrot
Level: 80
Class: Death knight
Server: sylvanias
3 ) ) played for 4 years, since the beginnig of wow. done MC, BWL, ZG; KARA, all the lvl 70 raids. exept sunwell.
5 ) 15/31/25, DW spec. its fun to play and its alot of dps.
6 ) usely evryday, mostly evenings
7 ) guild: the instigators. when i sign for the raids they never inv me, i dont know why because when i ask, the dont answere. im doing evry thing they ask me to, but stil no inv. even if i am the first one signing for raid. this is the 3 time it happens and im tired of it, if they dont want me, they can just tell me insted of ignoring me.
8 ) i play alot and are a serious player, and i know skautroll and zpìxah IRL. so it would be nice to play togetther.
9 ) yes mic, vent and headsett.
10 ) hmm plz talk to spìxah. and he can tell u if im worth it.