1 ) About you: Name, age, gender, what do you do. Previous MMOs experience, and anything you might like to add. Daryl, 19 years old, Male, Im at college studying 'Business'. Only WoW.
2 ) About your character: Character name, level, class, race and current server.Giantulo, level 70, Warrior, Orc, Sylvanas Horde EU
3 ) Link to Armory profile and any reference to additional pieces of equipment/setshttp://armory.wow-europe.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Sylvanas&n=Giantulo spec and gear still the same.
4 ) How long have you been playing WoW for and previous raid experience.For 2 years now, I dont have any pre-tbc experience.
Kara cleared
Zul'aman cleared
Gruul cleared
Maggy cleared
SSC cleared
Tempest keep cleared
Mount hiyal 4/5
Black Temple 5/9
5 ) Talent tree choice, explain why.http://armory.wow-europe.com/character-talents.xml?r=Sylvanas&n=Giantulo , well i looked to some builds from good warriors and changed it a bit. There isnt much difference in specs from decent warriors since you have the standard thing you NEED to have. Then you have to decide you go fully prot or spend your last talents in fury/arms, I chose for fury/arms cuz that gives higher agro and I use heroic strike much so less rage is pretty nice.
6 ) What are your usual playing hours/days? 16:00 - 01:00 (Server Time) Is what I can guarantuee you but most of the days I play in the morning to, depends on college.
7 ) Previous/current guilds and why have you left them.Elysian and Absólution. I left Elysian because they didnt needed any prot warriors anymore. I was an officer in Absólution and got some fight with the GM because he didnt really had a good mood about the guild and I told him that, he couldnt handle the truth so he kicked me. Later I got invited back but I didnt wanted to be in that guild anymore.
8 ) Why do you want to leave your current guild? Why do you want to join this guild? And why should we recruit you, what are your end game goals?I am not in a guild atm so, I dont really have end game goals I just want to continue playing WoW and enjoy it, ofcourse its not only playing WoW but succeed in the world of PvE. You should recruit me because I am a very active player and in my opinion I know how to play my character as a tank and I never QQ and that's important because I hate that.
9 ) Do you have a working mic? Are you able to use Ventrilo 3.0 or any version above?Yes I do and I have Ventrilo 3.0.4 already intalled on my computer ofcourse I can reinistall higher version if that's needed.
10 ) Anything else you might like to add to your application.Yes; sorry i have my username as Giantulo-warrior, that because I first made an account named Giantulo but I forgot my password from my e-mail. So that's why I have Giantulo-warrior with another e-mail now.
Thanks for the time already and I hope the news will be positive ofcourse =).